Here is what I think rules and sucks. If you disagree, too bad.
What rules:
- Linux rules.
- Debian rules.
- Coding rules.
- Open Source rules.
- Zork rules.
- Lurking grues rule.
- Southpark rules.
- Living in Amsterdam rules.
- Tolkien rules.
- Dutch appeltart and poffertjes rule.
- Tori Amos rules.
- Mexican food rules.
- vim rules.
- Russell rules.
- My cooking rules.
What sucks:
- Micro$oft sucks.
- Hot weather sucks.
- Avoiding dogshit in Amsterdam but stepping on bile spit instead sucks.
- Trashy American sitcoms infiltrating Australian TV sucks.
- Game show hosts suck.
- Jennifer Lopez sucks.
- Whoever told Mel C she could sing sucks.
- Inflated blonde anorexic yank teen bimbo starlets suck.
- BSE sucks (I don't eat beef anymore).
- Seafood sucks.
- Censorship sucks.
- Australian government sucks.